Dr. Jason Brooks

Personal Development Coach

I am here to help people elevate their mental game and live an inspired life.

Because I believe there’s an even better "best" inside you waiting to be unleashed…

Hi, I’m Dr. Jason Brooks.

Thanks to my experiences in sport growing up where I was good but not great, I found myself drawn to stories and ideas of how to optimise one’s mental and emotional state in pursuit of gaining an extra performance edge.

Exploring this interest led to discovering how doing deep inner work helps in so many areas of life beyond vocational performance, such as:

  • Mental and physical health…
  • Personal and professional relationships…
  • Finding (and holding onto) your purpose and a sense of meaning…
  • Dissolving the internal barriers and resistance that keep you feeling stuck…

During my 20+ years as a Mental Performance Coach, I’ve collaborated with many outstanding top-performers in diverse fields—from professional athletes, business leaders and surgeons, to doctors, tactical law enforcement officers, performance artists, and many others.

How can I help you?

I help high-performers overcome feeling…
  1. Crushed under the weight of their work and life stress…

  2. Like they’re under-performing, or an imposter…

  3. Disconnected from their health, career, and relationships…

  4. Ineffective as a leader in their work and life…

  5. Crippled by their external circumstances…

  6. Overwhelmed and powerless to change things

Working with these high-performers has affirmed how one’s commitment to their beliefs and practices is key to success, displayed by their tendencies for:

  • Committing to do the inner work with purpose and discipline.
  • Nurturing a meticulous attention to detail and execution.
  • Establishing personal frameworks for working through life’s inevitable challenges and setbacks.
  • Maintaining connection to a sense of meaning and purpose in their life.
  • Using past experiences to learn, grow, and expand their possibilities moving forward, and not be held down by them. 

These behaviours make high-performers who they are, that which elevates them from good to excellent. I believe we all have the ability to make these same leaps, to optimize our potential, and my job is to help folks take these steps in their own life.

“Life is as difficult as you are limited and confined. If you are mentally flexible, you’re able to navigate life much easier.”

Peter Crone

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I help high-performers overcome these feelings via
the following two pathways:

If you’re looking for an experienced personal development coach to help you achieve and sustain positive changes in your life, I’m here to help you via consultations (short-term) or coaching (long-term).

If you’re looking for a mental performance expert who can deliver an impactful experience for your audience, check out my speaking page.


Media Samples

Finally, if you’d like to get to know myself and my methods, you can check out a sample of which through the following podcasts I’ve appeared on where I discussed:

Does Your Rest Match Your Stress?

– Kelly Doell

An Athlete’s Mindset During The Covid-19 Pandemic

– For Health Sakes

Breaking Through Inner Barriers to Success and Well-Being

– For Health Sakes

Navigating Through Adversity and Setbacks in Medicine

– Rebellion in EM 2019